We Can Get Just About Any Product for Your Company Custom Decorated With Your Logo and Message for Your Events and Marketing Campaigns.
Our marketing agency specializes in getting custom merchandise and apparel to complement our customers marketing campaign. Generally we can apply the logo and message to a select item based on our customer’s objective, budget and target audience to enhance the success of and event or marketing campaign with a marketing piece that is often perceived as a gift. For example we can source a personalized laser engraved double wall stainless tumbler and even have it personalized with the recipients name and even drop shipped to the recipient directly within 2 weeks of an order. In our opinion it is a personalized custom piece but in reality it starts out as our choice or dozens (or more) similar customizable items that our suppliers warehouse domestically so that we can deliver the customized final product in a short time to our customer or even their recipient directly.

In our industry our most popular category of products is apparel. In this category we often supply our customers with logoed polo shirts or button down shirts for uniforms. Our best domestic sources offer hundreds of styles of polo shirts for example and we can decorate them with custom embroidery, heat transfer, laser, deboss and a few more options. These can be in different locations on the garment and generally this will satisfy the demand for a custom piece. Again the decorating is on a customizable item.
Just last week I attended an industry presentation by one of our industry partners that offer truly custom apparel as an option for our customers. I was blown away by what we can now bring to market. Their go to market message for us is “As long as you have the time, the quantity and a reasonable budget for what you are trying to build, I can design and produce ANYTHING in the world of apparel and accessories. If you give me something specific to make, I will make it even better!” We are able to help our customers not just by applying a logo to an item everyone else can buy but create a truly unique uniform for the team or a limited edition item for a corporate store.

A trend in our industry that is accelerating due to Covid-19 is a push for quality as items our customers use to represent their brand need to be the right ones and also of great quality to deliver the correct message to the recipient who typically is an employee, customer or prospective customer. We are honored to be a part of our customers team in sourcing effective customizable or even 100% custom items that they use to promote their brand.